Title: The Little Silver Book: Technology Rules to Live By for Realtors®. It is little. The size of a 4 by 5 card and only 35 pages.
What does NAR say about their new product? “The Little Silver Book: Technology Rules to Live by for Realtors® is a must-have for all REALTORS®. It includes key do’s and don’ts, along with tips and tricks that can be used by REALTORS® to achieve a successful future in real estate. It also takes tongue-in-cheek approach to show these tips “in practice,” with fun images designed just for this guide.”
It comes in printed packs of 5 for only $19.95 and also comes in digital format. Brokers, buy a bunch and give them to your working associates. And note that this is the 8th book in this series. Get the series and learn.
My favorite chapters were: Key Do’s and Don’t and Best Advice I Have Received. Get just one idea and the book is a true value.
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