Meeting People

Meeting nice people is the name of the game in real estate. I stumbled onto a method in the past few years. I walk in my local area and see nice people and dogs all the time. In the past I would ask the nice people if I could say hello. In almost all cases they said that I could and the dog was friendly. I would let the dog smell my hand staying a distance away. Then, I added another question. “Is it okay to give a treat?” That answer was normally yes. Now I have about 28 friends in the neighborhood all who have homeowners who love them. And these friends recognize me from yards away. A photo of one of my favorites, Maddie, is enclosed. She lives next door and lets me know that she knows when I leave the house, and that she would like a couple Milk-bones thrown over the back fence at once. 

One Response to Meeting People

  1. Craig Hammons March 23, 2023 at 11:27 AM #

    I meet a lot of people walking my dog and when I see them again they always remember my dog’s name but not mine.

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