Department of Business Oversight
Found this information in a strange place, on the Department of Business Oversight website. This is the Department which licenses almost everyone in California (they do not license DRE applicants since July 2018).
I was reading the May Revisions to the 2019-2020 Budget that became effective on July 1, 2019. The forecasted income was upped to $143,839M. The 2018-2019 revised budget was $138,046M. Now, that is a lot of money.
Personal Income Taxes will be $102.3 in Billions, Sales and Use Taxes $27.2B and Corporation Tax $13.2. The growth will be 3.4%. Now that we are talking Billions, it is really a lot of money. That Use Tax costs me a pretty penny or an arm and a leg every year. Books are required in an education company and you pay a Use Tax. I had a 7 year audit battle with FTB over these amounts.
For more information: http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/
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