RE 149 – Licensee Statistics
Just received some great news concerning DRE stats from October 2021. The famous RE149: Comparative Production Statistics is back. I love the monthly information it delivers.
For example, the number of active licensees (broker and salespersons) are listed. The totals in all these categories are listed by current month (October 21), last month (September 2021), last year, fiscal year to date for October 2021, October 2020, and 2 years back.
This report shows that the number of total licenses at the end of 10/21 is 430,447 which is a drop of almost 9,000 from 2020 but an increase of around 5,000 from 2019.
I learned that there were only 396 new brokers and that is a drastic decrease from a few years ago when a regulation was passed denying a broker candidate from using any college degree to replace the required two years’ experience. Now the only degree that can be used is a major or minor in Real Estate. CAR endorsed this change because they did not want someone to become a broker without working in the field. What has happened is that the number of college graduates becoming brokers is dropping drastically. You reap what you sow.
Fiscal Year Comparison
This fiscal year to date there have been 11,215 new salespersons compared to 6,518 in 2020 which to me is good news. There is information about what percentage of renewal candidates are renewing. October was 94% for Brokers and 72% for Salespersons. Fiscal year to date for the four months the % of renewals is 20% more for both categories when compared to 2020. An education company wants salesperson applicants getting in line like in 2006 when over 19,000 a month were signing up for the exam. That means three courses and an exam prep for each one of those. Yes, those were the good old days.
The most interesting section to me is how many people are taking tests and how many are passing. Both categories have increased greatly from last year which is another good sign. In October the passing percentages for each type of license have fallen from October 2020. The sales exam passing rate was 54% and the broker percentage was 52%. One percentage that puzzles me is that 6,932 candidates scheduled an exam in October 2021. 5,854 showed up on the day of the exam. Over one thousand prospects signed-up but did not show-up.
There is much more information. The amount of investigations, audits, hearings, and subdivisions. Well worth checking monthly.
In the past the form was mailed to me each month, but there was no other way to retrieve the form. And very few people knew about it. With the new changes to the form the powers at DRE have given you a method to read it as well you should. Shelly Wilson, Assistant Commissioner, Administrative Services. https://dre.ca.gov/Stats/comp_stats.html. So check it out and study the trends in your real estate industry. Thank you Douglas and Shelly.
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