Time for a Short Mortgage Loan Originator Commercial

Agent with House Application

Requirements to Become a Mortgage Loan Originator

#1-   Complete a 20-Hour Course Approved by NMLS

#2-  Pass a 125 question exam with a grade of at least 75%

Is this easy?

–  No

What is the Best Way to Be Really Prepared?

#1-  In our opinion, you have to take the 20-Hour Course. You should take it in a live class with a live instructor. Common sense says that you will learn more in a classroom session where you can ask questions, and interact with other students. No 20-hours spent sitting in front of a computer. If you don’t click the keyboard in time for the online version, you are signed off of the session.

#2-  You should take an Exam Prep Class. The 20-Hour is important and helpful, but it is not designed to assist someone to pass the exam.

#3-  In our opinion, you should also take the Exam Prep Live Course. You want to get at least a 75%, as a 74% means you have to study and worry again.

What Does Duane Gomer Education Have to Offer?

#1- The 20-Hour Class and Exam Prep Class will be LIVE in the following locations; Sacramento, San Diego, Orange County, LAX Area, San Fernando Valley, San Jose, Fresno, Palm Desert.  Class will be starting at the beginning of April, so call now and reserve a spot. The dates are not on our website at this time, but you can indicate your interest and we will get you registered.

What Extra Incentives Do You Offer?

#1-  Text book for the 20-Hour has 359 pages and the Exam Prep has 224 pages of material to help you prepare; these books are supplied by the Hondros Company, a National Leader in MLO Books.

#2-  We offer LIVE instruction with veterans in the field and a chance to ask questions and complete practice exams.

#3- We have the reputation of Duane Gomer Education. Ask around we have students everywhere and ask Associations like CAMP and CMA and Real Estate Associations all over California. We specialize in California only, so we know your area well.

#4- We also have developed extra test helpers:  Online Flash Cards, Practice Exams, Glossaries, and other materials developed over years of experience.

#5- You can attend the Crash program more than once*.

#6-  Real LIVE people answer our phones; you will not have to leave a message or email or call back.

#7-  To get on the list for upcoming classes, just call 1-800-439-4909 or email [email protected]

* You may attend the crash course again for free within your one year enrollment if you do not pass, or if you want to attend more than once, there is a $20.00 room sitting fee.


7 Responses to Time for a Short Mortgage Loan Originator Commercial

  1. tracy burrell February 22, 2017 at 4:47 PM #

    I am interested in loan originator and exam prep classes.
    Thank you,
    Tracy Burrell

    • Customer Service February 23, 2017 at 10:19 AM #

      Hello Tracy!

      We will be offering the 20-hour NMLS course beginning in early April. Please call our office at 1-800-439-4909 and ask for Bob Schultz to be placed on our call waiting list when we have it available for registration.

      As for our exam prep classes, we have a full schedule for our classes online Here.
      From there, please click on the ‘Order Now’ button for Salesperson or Broker One-Day Live Exam Prep. On the next screen, scroll down to see our full schedule.

      Have a great day Tracy!

  2. Ignacio March 1, 2017 at 1:49 AM #

    In the past, your site offered a link to “Learn Mortgage” as the education provider for MLO pre-licensing. Is your company no longer endorsing this company? Or are your providing another option? In addition, what is your fee for the entire package: 20-hours live course plus the cramming exam.

    Thank you,

    • Duane Gomer March 1, 2017 at 4:49 PM #

      We still recommend Learn Mortgage for online 20 hours. Our LIVE price is $350 and the Exam Prep is $160 and if you buy both, the price is $455. We will have the course in 8 cities in CA. in the next months. If you would like to be put on an email list on the dates when they become firm, please send an email to [email protected]

      See you in class.

  3. Debra LaCour Herrera January 21, 2018 at 1:40 PM #

    Is there a two hour state course required for California, if so, do you offer it?

  4. Christine Bard January 22, 2018 at 2:13 AM #

    Is a real estate sales license or broker license a prerequisite for the mortgage originator license?

    • Customer Service January 24, 2018 at 10:57 AM #

      Hello Christine,

      The Mortgage Loan Originator License and the Real Estate License are two separate licenses, however if you intend on performing Real Estate Loans you would need to obtain both. You can begin with either.

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More Information & Classes - www.DuaneGomer.com