One of My Favorite Sites
The department’s stated purpose is to “Help Californians become informed consumers by learning their rights and protections”.
It has information on almost all of the state licensed occupations in California. The Real Estate Licensees were under this department for a few years but now is independent again under the Department of Real Estate.
Types of Occupations
Just to list a couple of the occupations: Accountants, Architects, Barbers, Cannabis Control, and on and on. But I visit it for the information. Their publications on Small Claims Court are the best. I also learned so much about Property Management. For example, how long is paint supposed to last in an apartment? One year.
One Most Popular Resource Item
Number one: California Civil Code Section 2924.8 Notice of Foreclosure Sale. It posts the letter that is sent to the tenantof a property subject to foreclosure sale.
What is in this short note? It notes that a foreclosure “process” has begun on their property. Twenty days or more after notice date it may be sold. If tenant occupied, owner may issue a new lease or 90 day eviction notice. If you have a fixed-term lease, it must be honored unless the new owner is going to move it. If you are in a city with “just cause for eviction”, you may not have to move at all. Your rights and obligations continue as long as you pay rent, and you might want to contact a lawyer or a local agency to talk about your rights.
This notice should have gone out to so many people during the Foreclosure Period some years ago. Simple and short but informational. Did all tenants see this notice? Of course not.
The form is available in other languages such as Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, and Tagalog. So take a couple minutes and look at www.dca.ca.gov . You will be glad you did.
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