About Duane Gomer
Recognized as a leader in California Real Estate Continuing education for Licenses Renewals and Notary commissions. Provides courses for thousands of Californians to qualify for Sales & Broker Licenses with Internet and & Open-Book Testing. Furnishes outstanding preparation materials to allow students to pass the State exams on their first attempt. Procedures are State-of-the-Art with Internet Testing, Automatic Grading and Certifcate Printing, Website, etc. Presents live classes on how to make more money in less time in Real Estate.
what is the quickest way to be a real estate license?
Hi Sheldon,
No quick way. DRE requires 3 courses before you can apply. Real Estate Principles, RE Practice, and one Elective. Once you get that done and submit your application, there is about a 6 week wait while they process it. Then when you get approval, you can schedule your State Exam. If you pass, they take about a month to process and actually get your license to you.