Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I was a court appointed receiver handling apartment houses during the foreclosure period. I would get my official court order, go take over the building, and run it as a professional property manager. Great job and then the foreclosures quit coming.
One time late on a Friday afternoon I went to a building in El Monte. I found the assistant manager and used my normal phrase. I am Duane Gomer, and I have a court order to take over this building.
He replied quickly, “I have a knife here that says you ain’t”. Knife versus court order, no doubt which one won. It was a High School Football Friday Night so the conclusion had to wait until Saturday morning. Cooler heads did prevail so I “took over”, but when I got to inspect the building it had very few tenants.
The rest of the story: The gentleman owner who did not speak English made his move the next week. He kicked out the few tenants and then took out every light fixture, doors, carpet, sink, tub, carpet, air and heating, etc. etc. etc.
NOTE; He had no authority to do anything. The building was mine. It looked like buildings in Europe that I visited after the British Military left the area. A skeleton. Studs and a roof.
I quickly went to the judge who appointed me, and he notified law enforcement. They arrested the man and a court-hearing was set to determine what to do. I dutifully reported on time at a Pomona Courtroom and waited, and waited and waited. The Jailers had a problem. They could not find him.
Another hearing was set, but I received a message that the parties had settled and my services were no longer needed. Often wonder what in the hell happened. I did get paid for opening the receivership, managing for a few weeks, making a final income and expense report (containing only zeros) and closing the receivership. Still can see the building from the 10 Freeway going East. Just another Friday on the job.
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