My Friend and Icon of the Real Estate Industry

Bob Hunt died Saturday evening March 23rd. Tributes are coming in from all over California and the U.S. Wayne Bell, former California Real Estate Commissioner and a mutual friend summed everything up best in an email he sent to Nancy.

When I asked Nancy for permission to share this message, she said,

“I would love it if you posted it. It depicts Bob more than anything I’ve ever seen, and captures his real essence.”

Rest in peace, Bob. Know that you were admired and loved. OORAH!

Dear Nancy,

Please forgive the informality of an email, but I wanted to send you a note after learning from Duane Gomer about Bob’s passing.

Foremost, I want to say that I was terribly stunned and most deeply saddened by the news, and want to offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

Before I ever met Bob, I felt as if I knew him, and that is because of the breadth, clarity, and greatness of his writings regarding real estate practice, ethics, and professionalism.

After I met Bob, and got to know him, I came to understand that he was one of the brightest luminaries of the organized real estate industry.  I viewed him as standing at the forefront of efforts to make the industry both professional and ethical. Those efforts drew me to greatly admire Bob, and to seek his counsel from time to time.  Certainly his solid judgment commanded respect and admiration.

In addition, I thought he was remarkable for his courtesy, decency, integrity, dignity, wisdom, and extraordinary writing talents.

His biography stands out and illuminates the diversity, uniqueness, great learning, and service in his background…  Princeton, UCLA, the US Marine Corps, and service to the Realtors, as well as real estate practice. I remember when Bob told me the Marine Corps taught him duty and honor.  The Corps should be proud of the man they helped Bob become.

With respect to his writings, Bob’s brilliant mind clearly comprehended and embraced how real estate should be practiced, placing a client’s interest first, and following the rules of ethics created by the association of Realtors.

I believe that the trove of his writings are a legacy, and Bob’s reputation as a real estate leader will continue to grow.

The real estate industry has lost an eloquent and eminent thought leader.  I have lost a distinguished, charming, and kind friend and advisor, and was honored that Bob would share his wisdom with me.  I will always treasure my memories of the times that we spoke by phone and in person – as well as my correspondence with him.

I am sorry for your loss Nancy, and offer you my thoughts and prayers.


Wayne S. Bell

California Real Estate Commissioner (Retired)

7 Responses to TRIBUTE TO BOB HUNT

  1. Roberta March 30, 2019 at 1:00 PM #

    Rest in peace, Bob Hunt. You were exceptional, to say the least. Nancy Hunt, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mate. You were a great couple. Sending prayers your way.

  2. George Rahal March 31, 2019 at 9:27 AM #

    Bob Hunt was a legend. He will be sorely missed by me and many.
    May God Bless his soul.

  3. Ann Pettijohn March 31, 2019 at 7:04 PM #

    Bob Hunt and Nancy were always together, such a wonderful couple and family!! It is hard to believe the news
    Of Bobs passing!! So very sad by the news Dick and I send love and condolences to Nancy and children.
    Rest In Peace Bob you will be missed by all❤️

  4. Dale Thies April 6, 2019 at 9:43 AM #

    Bob Hunt was a regular contributor to . I very much enjoyed reading his articles and will miss them.

    • Duane Gomer April 8, 2019 at 5:08 PM #

      We are all missing Bob Hunt. His articles and his comments. Lost a favorite lunch mate.

  5. Ed Mixon April 7, 2019 at 10:05 AM #

    I met Bob when we were both doing a little “rehab” for minor injuries. A wonderful person with a very big heart. Later, we would meet occasionally through business. Never did I ever see him without a nice smile and a pleasant persona.

    I also really enjoyed his writings and articles he wrote.

    He definitely be missed!! Rest In Peace Bob, you contributed so much to us all.

    • Duane Gomer April 8, 2019 at 6:43 PM #

      Yes, we will all miss Bob; we used to have lunch about once a week and I really missed him last week.

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