female broker consulting young couple in realtor office

Women in Real Estate

I Entered The Real Estate Field As Licensee 00257682 On December 9, 1961. There were not very many women in the field. I was in the Commercial Office of Forest E. Olson Company in Van Nuys California. Maybe 60 agents, one woman, Doris Jewell. In the residential offices of that very large company there never […]

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irs scam warning sign

IRS Warns Everybody About Tax Scams

Yes, I Know That Tax Returns Were Due On April 18th. But this post is for those people who got extensions and also for the Corporate people who already had extensions. These scams are throughout the year, and you should be ready again in 2018. Here Is A Recap Of Their “Dirty Dozen Scams” #1-  Phishing: […]

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Scam Alert Continued

When Not to Say “Yes” We all know (or should know by now) that when you get a call with a long pause before you hear a voice, that is an automated robot call. These scam calls are becoming more and more sophisticated. The latest one that I have heard is, “Oh, hi there, I […]

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senior man clutching piggy bank

Scams Are Everywhere!

Not a Day Goes By that There is Not Another Alert about New Scams. The scammers are quick, resilient, and always thinking. They will fly too close to the sun, crash, and then rise again from the ashes. Time does change their tactics. About a decade ago, they were all working in some kind of […]

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Real Estate Agent Handing over Keys to a House

What Do You Do When a Seller Wants to Stay in Property After Close? Ask Mr. Hunt

Why Do Sellers Stay On Property After Closing the Deal? It is very difficult for sellers to completely plan the “exact” date of departure. Lenders, Escrow Officers, Buyers, Inspectors, Regulators, Transaction Coordinators, and others can do things entirely unannounced that can change dates. Also, sellers sometimes believe if their Purchase Escrow is delayed, their Sale Escrow […]

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