hand of businessman with money buying house isolated on blue background

Follow Up To Loan Pre-Approval

I Discussed The Reasons For Getting Pre-Approved For A Loan Before You Start Shopping For A Home Does getting approved beforehand guarantee that you will get the loan you want. Again, quoting the National Assoc. of Realtors, “Being pre-approved is not a sure-fire way of obtaining a loan either”. Yes, after you get approved, many things could go […]

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BRE Exam

Why Become A Broker? Tip #054

My Question To all Real Estate Salesperson Licensees with over 2 years full-time experience: If you asked any client, what are the designations such as SFR, BPO, EPro, SRES, etc., how many of them would have any idea what they mean?  I ask my licensed students that question and a majority have no concept of […]

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businessman standing in front of a blackboard trying to decide whether to buy or to sell

1031 Exchange Ideas

1031 Is The IRS Code Section That Covers Non-Taxable Exchanges, Also Known As Starker Exchanges There is one section that rental property owners should understand. Our Taxpayer’s Situation: The couple has a long term rental in which they have lots of equity.  They discussed moving into it and making it their home, but it is […]

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Heisman Winner: Big Real Estate Winner

Roger Staubach Won The Heisman At The Naval Academy He served in the Navy in Vietnam as a Supply Corp Officer (which already makes him a winner in my mind after being one in Germany),won a Super Bowl MVP and many other NFL honors, and then went into Real Estate. Result: Forbes recently named him […]

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College Students

They Are Leaving For College Soon

Jaymi Naciri Had Some Excellent Ideas What To Consider When Packing Your Children, Grandchildren, Or Friends For College They are used to so many amenities at home that will be missing from their new dorm or other room. Some suggestions follow: Rolling storage, velvety hangers (thinner than regular), command strips (to save repair costs later), […]

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