Estoppel Certificate When you are considering buying any type of rental, you must understand the two words Estoppel Certificate. You want to know the exact conditions of all tenant agreements. The best place to get this information is from the tenant.Wikipedia says: “An estoppel certificate provides confirmation by the tenant of the terms of the […]
Tips From Zillow
Competitive Offers Zillow sure has contact with a lot of prospective buyers. Recently they posted three tips to buyers in a seller’s market. Since we are right now still in a seller’s market we might look at them. Zillow’s estimates today for me are fine so they are today knowledgeable. Submit your offer before the […]
Letter of Intent
Efficient Negotiations This is a favorite form of mine. When I bought or sold apartment houses, I used it all the time. It saves a lot of time and time is money. Instead of writing up a complete binding offer, you would write up a simple form that explains the conditions under which a buyer […]
When Is The Best Time To Get A Reverse Mortgage?
Home Equity Just saw an article by that gave their answer to this question. It happens to be an answer with which I agree. However, my answer would be that if your situation would be improved with an RM go NOW. They say when: You Need the MoneyHousing Prices Are HighInterest Rates Are LowYou […]
Food at The Olympics; Gold Medal To 7-Eleven
Olympic Meals The reporters and athletes and all others were severely limited on where they could go during the duration of the Olympics. Several correspondents and athletes have waxed eloquently about the food at the many 7-ELEVENS in Tokyo as there are 20,000 in Japan so they were easy to find. You can get full […]
A Wonderful Student
Reasons to Get a Broker’s License Received a wonderful email last week from a wonderful student, Maria Lopez Flores. She emailed me mentioning that she was not getting our emails. We appreciate this as many times the emails are going to spam or there has been some problem with our email service. She also sent […]
Reg Changes At DRE
DRE Regulation Amendments A recent pronouncement from the Department of Real Estate stated that some amendments were coming to our DRE Regulations because of bill AB 2884. Can’t be too earth shattering because no public hearing is scheduled, and if you want to make any written comments, make them before 1700 Hours on 9/8/2021. Responsible […]
Who Is This Ted Lasso?
The Sit-Com King When the TV Emmys were announced, it seemed like we had not watched very many shows. But we have shows we love and do not miss. At one time I was considered the “Sit-com King”. Didn’t miss All In The Family, Mary Tyler Moore, Newhart, Mash, etc. They morphed into The Jeffersons, […]
A Blast From The Past
BENEFITS OF OWNING REAL ESTATE A 1964 article from the Van Nuys Green Sheet today known as the Los Angeles Daily News. Some of the numbers need to be changed to protect the public, but the thought is still current. The depreciating benefits of owning real estate are not completely understood by many prospective investors. […]
World Records Having the contests in Japan sure messes up any viewing schedule. So, since I dislike commercials (ok, maybe not Geico) we recorded the NBC prime version and watched after dinner. This meant that I could not listen to most radio or TV stations during the day. The Women’s Gymnastics has been hashed over […]