Interesting Rule for MLO Test Takers

Federal Regulations

I was scrolling through Federal Regulations (my favorite light reading) and discovered a new rule. Thought it might be of interest to MLO company leaders and future applicants for the National Exam. To become an MLO you have to complete a 20 Hour Pre-Licensure Course and pass an exam.

The Interesting Point :

You do not have to take the course before you sign up for the exam. The cost of the courses runs from a low of around $450 (for Duane Gomer Inc.) to much, much more from other companies. This is a chance to just take the test cold turkey and see how you do. This is only for the brave and foolhardy as the Course and our Exam Prep Course really prepare you for the exam. Any questions call me personally at 800-439-4909.

This is different than DRE and the Notary Public regulations. For those you must complete the pre-courses before you can test.

So you applicants, you could see how you would do on the test. The cost is $110.00. About 59% of the students are passing it at this time. Or you could schedule your exam before you take the course so that you get a time that is suitable for you.

We will always keep looking for ways to make it easier for you.

4 Responses to Interesting Rule for MLO Test Takers

  1. Hilda Zamora March 8, 2019 at 4:27 PM #

    My name is Hilda Zamora. I have been taking your courses and love them. I am now trying to get my NMLS license. I have taken the state test twice and failed. My question is; has any of the material changed since September 2018? I will be taking me test in the next couple of weeks and I want to make sure that the material that I have from you (Duane Gomer) is still good to study?

    • Duane Gomer March 20, 2019 at 12:49 PM #

      Hi Hilda, Please call our office (800) 439-4909 and we will be happy to verify that you have the most current edition.

  2. Christian Lee Harrigfeld March 10, 2019 at 2:13 PM #


    Where you will be holding your next NMLS Exam Prep. Course in California?


    • Duane Gomer March 20, 2019 at 12:38 PM #

      Hi Christian,

      We will be offering the NMLS Exam Prep course in the following locations:
      Costa Mesa, Fresno, Van Nuys, Palm Springs, San Diego, San Mateo and possibly Sacramento. We are in the process of booking the dates this week. We should have an updated schedule soon.

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