Tips From Zillow

Competitive Offers

Zillow sure has contact with a lot of prospective buyers. Recently they posted three tips to buyers in a seller’s market. Since we are right now still in a seller’s market we might look at them. Zillow’s estimates today for me are fine so they are today knowledgeable.

Submit your offer before the review date:  In other words, be ready to act fast when you find the home you love or in today’s market you find one you like-like. Early birds get the worm and sometimes the house.

Offer a higher down payment; This of course assumes that you have more money to put down. Higher down payment, more earnest money or above asking price.

Tour homes virtually, first:  This could help you in completing number one above. They recommend, surprise, “Zillow 3 D Home Tours”.

They do not discuss one point that I would stress if I were talking to a prospect. Get your loan approval now. Yes, it is some work, but if you were selling, you would want to know that the prospective buyer can get the loan being discussed. I also found that it told me how much house the lender thinks that I can afford. I always liked to know that.

Since my first home purchase in 1962, I have purchased only new homes.

Perhaps that is the only place I have ever looked. Liked the cooperation dollars. On the other side of the coin, any rentals that I have purchased have been seasoned.

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