Renewing Your R.E. License Explained

#1 – You Can Complete Your CE Credit Courses Anytime Within The Four Year License Period

BUT you can only renew with the DRE 90 days before expiration.

#2 – You Can Renew By eLicensing

or by having your application postmarked before midnight on your license expiration date.

#3 – You Can Renew Late

But you cannot work until license is renewed. There is a penalty of 50% of the fees. Zero tolerance.

#4 – There Are Different, Confusing Regulations About Sales, Brokers And First Time/Subsequent Renewers

and survey/no survey and consumer protection/consumer service. Yes it is confusing.

Our Solution:  We market a “one program fits all licensees”. You take six mandatory courses of three hours each and 27 hours of Consumer Protection courses for the total of 45 hours needed.

#5 – If You Are Over 70 Years Of Age

and have had a license in good standing (no suspension, revocation or restriction) for 30 continuous years, you are exempt from CE requirements. You still have to send in your application and pay the fees.

#6 – What Is Our “Original 45 hours LIVE Optional Review?”

This is our 3 hour course for licensees wanting to renew, now in LIVE webinar format. You can opt to be sent the program content by book and of course you have it by PDF as an online course. The instructor reviews all courses and discusses the material while you follow along with a fill-in-the-blanks answer outline. You can then test the courses  at your convenience using this outline with our open-book tests. A most popular program. Check our website or call 1-800-439-4909 for locations all over California.

#7 – Also, We Have A Complete Home Study Program

Again, PDF download and book. The easy renewal program.

4 Responses to Renewing Your R.E. License Explained

  1. Sean Kennedy August 2, 2020 at 9:18 AM #

    I have the same exact scenario. Can you send me the info as well?

  2. Jeanne Osio September 21, 2020 at 7:32 AM #

    I need to renew my license, it expires next month, but I received an email from my Broker that this year they are allowing the renewals to be extended to December 31, 2020. Correct?

  3. Anne Randall October 15, 2020 at 11:34 AM #

    I need to renew my Broker license

  4. jillian s pennington June 9, 2023 at 10:40 AM #

    How do I notify the DRE that I have completed the courses with your Company?

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