New Bill SB1343
Expands the number and type of employees who must have sexual harassment education. Currently, employers with 50 or more employees must give the training. By January 1, 2020 California employers with at least five employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training and education to all supervisory employees (at least 2 hours) and non-supervisory employees (at least 1 hour) and once every two years after. The California Department of Employment and Housing (DFEH) must develop and make available one and two hour courses on its website.
California Department of Fair Employment and Housing
The DFEH must make existing posters and fact sheets available to employers and to the public in English and in other languages required by law. Note: I contacted DFEH, and they told me that the courses are not available now and will be available after July.
Read The Bill
To read the bill, as always go to
If you have less than five employees, I would recommend that you also provide the training. As an employer, you might find that you and an employee have a difference of opinion on what constitutes harassment. Many times it is another employee who is the culprit. Then, you find yourself in court. There are many other types of harassment, such as physical, emotional, discriminatory, etc. So much to learn, so much to watch.
See you in class.
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