Reasons to Get a Broker’s License
Received a wonderful email last week from a wonderful student, Maria Lopez Flores. She emailed me mentioning that she was not getting our emails. We appreciate this as many times the emails are going to spam or there has been some problem with our email service.
She also sent me a Duane Gomer Seminar Newsletter from November 1, 2016. The email had inspired her to get her broker license and she has never regretted it. Following is the post on the email which lists reasons for becoming a broker. Read it and perhaps you will become inspired. Also, I am talking to spouses who are salespersons and are working with a spouse who is a broker. Might be time to get the broker’s license in case of some tragedy. And talking to people ready to retire. If you are a broker and get a prospect, you can get a referral and not have to share with a broker. Go Brokers.
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