Passing the Exam Our little boutique company earns money by assisting people to pass different exams including Notary, Real Estate, Mortgage, and soon we want to try Insurance and Appraisal. We are always looking for the latest data on test taking. There was a recent study done by the University of Chicago. If you grew […]
Archive | DRE
Why Become A Broker #54
Value Would becoming a broker be valuable for someone in Real Estate? Obviously, since I am in education, I believe that you should. I did years ago. My son did when he graduated from CSUN, and my granddaughter passed the first time. I have stressed to them the value. You might say that I have […]
Best in the West Periodically we like to highlight some of our outstanding and long standing instructors. Today, Mr. Speaker James E. He is a true winner and we are so fortunate to have him working with us and for us. Best in the West. Jim went to high school in Ashley, North Dakota and […]
Now Is a Great Time To Get a Broker’s License
Why, You Ask? One major reason: Test grades. Three years ago, the passing rate for Broker’s exam was 39%Two years ago, the passing rate was 41%Fiscal year to date, the passing rate is 56%For the math majors this is an improvement of 44% DGE Guarantees That You Will Pass Or Your Fees For Our Crash […]
Course Renewals Every two years we must renew all our CE courses and pay the DRE $500.00 for the privilege. Over the years we have had many verbal and long written disagreements with the review deputies in Sacramento. The courses would be returned with corrections not just for us, for everybody. We believed that the […]
Interview With DRE Executives Dan Sandri, Acting DRE Commissioner, and Sandra Knau, Assistant Commissioner for Licensing and Administration: It was a sincere pleasure recently to interview these two long-time executives at the California Department of Real Estate. They were gracious with their time and were so informative. There were so many important items that should […]
Yes, All Salespersons Should Be Brokers
Time for Change If I were king, that would be a rule. My DRE license number is 257862 and current numbers are around 2.0M. So I have seen many come, and I have seen many go. Some never last, and they never know why. Was Peter Drucker the one who said, “If you want to […]
Real Estate Vocabulary For Buyers and Sellers
Pocket Listing Pocket Listing: This is a listing of a broker member of the local Multiple Listing Service that is not placed into the Service. Do all listings have to be submitted to Multiple? No. Exceptions are: Listings for apartment houses, commercial buildings, etc.Listings out of the local area not covered by the Multiple. Listings […]
Class Feedback This comment was posted on Facebook after our July 19th MLO seminar at OCAR. “You and your group really killed it today. I have been attending your MLO seminars for the last ten years and yesterday was the best and the funniest ever. Thank you.” Now that is just nice. Thank you to […]
Now Is A Great Time To Get A Broker’s License
Why, You Ask? One Major Reason: Test grades: Three years ago, the passing rate for Broker’s exam was 39%Two years ago, the passing rate was 41%Fiscal year to date, the passing rate is 56%For the math majors this is an improvement of 44% DGE Guarantees That You Will Pass Or Your Fees For Our Crash […]