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Archive | Broker

Designation vs Broker On our website we have an article entitled “Why I Believe So Strongly You Should Become a Broker!” I believe that even more strongly after reading an article on “Designations” on the DRE Website: Consumer and Industry Warning: False and Misleading Designations Some licensees have been called before Judges and the DRE […]

Why Become A Broker #54
Value Would becoming a broker be valuable for someone in Real Estate? Obviously, since I am in education, I believe that you should. I did years ago. My son did when he graduated from CSUN, and my granddaughter passed the first time. I have stressed to them the value. You might say that I have […]

Now Is a Great Time To Get a Broker’s License
Why, You Ask? One major reason: Test grades. Three years ago, the passing rate for Broker’s exam was 39%Two years ago, the passing rate was 41%Fiscal year to date, the passing rate is 56%For the math majors this is an improvement of 44% DGE Guarantees That You Will Pass Or Your Fees For Our Crash […]

Yes, All Salespersons Should Be Brokers
Time for Change If I were king, that would be a rule. My DRE license number is 257862 and current numbers are around 2.0M. So I have seen many come, and I have seen many go. Some never last, and they never know why. Was Peter Drucker the one who said, “If you want to […]

Sentencing Finally saw an article where a mortgage executive was sentenced to a jail term for bank fraud during the financial crisis chaos. Michael Ashley’s company, Lend America, imploded to the tune of $49M in losses in 2009. His sentence: 3 years in prison, $49M in restitution, and a forfeiture of $800,000.00. The judge did […]

Now Is A Great Time To Get A Broker’s License
Why, You Ask? One Major Reason: Test grades: Three years ago, the passing rate for Broker’s exam was 39%Two years ago, the passing rate was 41%Fiscal year to date, the passing rate is 56%For the math majors this is an improvement of 44% DGE Guarantees That You Will Pass Or Your Fees For Our Crash […]

Why Should You Take A Live Duane Gomer Seminar?
LIVE Courses Our Company Specializes In LIVE Courses To Become A Real Estate Salesperson Or Broker, A Mortgage Loan Originator, Or A Notary. We also have LIVE courses to renew all of these licenses. We offer courses only in California, so we know the territory much better than out-of-state companies. FIRST QUESTION: WHY TAKE LIVE? 1. Pass AnyExam On […]

Important Information This information is important for DBO’s, DRE’s, and FDIC’s. The alert on 5/29/19 is especially pertinent. The title is “Website should not be confused with Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.” New Techniques Scammers keep coming up with new techniques. It is our job to protect our clients, friends, and the public. For a […]
Make more money, it’s a fact.With a brokers’ license you can work with two companies, (sales and Property Mgmt.), (commercial sales and loan broker), (city and desert) etc.There is no extra liability as a Broker Associate, that is a myth.If you want to start your own company you are ready. Again this week, father broker […]