Nuances On Getting A Real Estate Brokers License

group of thumbing up business people, isolated on white. concept of teamwork and cooperation

There Is Much Confusion Among Students When The Question Of How To Get A Broker’s License Is Asked

There are some basic rules, but there are then some little known rules.


  1. The general rule is that you must complete 8 college courses to qualify to take the Brokers exam. Most recent Salespersons have completed three of these, and any of the courses taken in College apply no matter how long ago.


  1. The applicant must submit proof that they have worked in the real estate field two years full-time or


  1. If a person graduated with a four year degree (major or minor in Real Estate), this will substitute for the experience requirement in #2.


  1. Until recently, a four year degree in any major would have substituted for the experience, but no more since a regulation sponsored by CAR eliminated this process.


  1. Proof of experience includes a form RE 226, Employment Verification from their broker where he/she lists how many transactions the applicant completed including listings, sales, trades, leases, rentals, loans, syndicates, or security sales. Also, the form asks for approximate earnings during that period, and a biggie called, “Did the applicant have other employment or business activities”? and if yes explain. Finally, it asks for work time devoted, hours per week, and time of employment.


  1. Above the verifying broker’s signature is a statement that false certification is basis for suspension or revocation of their license. So it would be very difficult for someone to get a license for two years, do nothing and expect to sit for the broker’s exam.


  1. More Forms: An Employment Certification Form when it is “absolutely impossible” to get the past broker’s signature (death, retirement, angry), etc. This form can be used by Out-of-State Brokers to explain their background.


  1. Equivalent Experience Verification #RE 227, revised 7/18. This form is for anyone who has worked in certain real estate related business as an unlicensed person. This one must be signed by two verifiers who are not related by blood or marriage. Lots of proof is needed (1099’s, W-2s, proof of ownership of properties, etc.)


  1. What are some examples for Number 8? Escrow, Title Officer, Loan Officer on Real Estate, subdivider, contractor, spec. builder, appraiser, property manager, two years real estate experience by a lawyer, etc.


  1. Then, after all this, about 50% of the applicants do not pass the exam. Those who attend crash course prep courses like ours have a much higher passing rate. My point is, “The people who have the broker’s license have experience and transactions, the desire, discipline, and intelligent to pass that exam, so understand the difference between Broker Associate and Sales Associate”. Okay, Salespersons let’s get moving to show you can do it.


  1. Since there is so many questions, it is recommended that you call or email our office about your situation. It is so difficult to properly advise someone by web site alone. Our staff is experienced and trained to answer your questions and everyone is a little different.


Let us help you. See you in class.

9 Responses to Nuances On Getting A Real Estate Brokers License

  1. Sylvia Franke or as above March 18, 2018 at 3:13 PM #

    Hello My Dear Friend:

    This makes me seriously think about getting back into the field after 36 years full time in Real Estate and 15 years in escrow, and several more as a Notary! , I would have problems proving my history as all but maybe one, including the Escrow Office no longer exist. I think I might also be too old to start over again! LOL! I will be 73 this year .LOL ! I let my license’s all go because I had moved to Oklahoma to be with my daughter, her husband & my three beautiful Granddaughter’s since I was getting old (so she said) and had some health issues, she decided she wanted to take care of me. Sadly, she has died and my son in law has placed my girls in an orphanage. All is a mess and very stressful so I am wanting to move back to Cali. Also when I started R.E it was such a joy to find someone a home that they truly loved I I enjoyed R.E. so very much! Now with all the paperwork and unappreciative buyers, and so much disrespect from several, it wasn’t much fun when I Maybe I got out of it at the right time? I really do miss it terrible though. LOL! I said all this to ask you what i would need to do to get back into the fun???? LOL! Would you please kindly let me know? I would greatly appreciate it. Are you still teaching classes of just overseeing all those you have taught to teach it?

    Hope you are in good health and still enjoying our beloved careers!

    Sincerely yours,

    Sylvia Mae Davenport, Syfers, Swinney, Gentry, Franke
    AKA: “The Happy Lady”
    LOL! You have known me through all of them except maiden & Syfers, so to hopefully make you laugh I typed them all in! LOL!

    • Duane Gomer March 19, 2018 at 3:57 PM #

      Hello Sylvia,

      You have had a busy few years; for me I am still working a little running my company; we 10 staff and 22 speakers.
      In your situation: You would have to take the test again no matter what; whether you need any courses would depend on which courses you took to get your license. Currently you need three, if you had them fine, if not you would have to complete them first. 73 is a baby in CA real estate. I am 87 and still working
      if you are interested, call my office and ask for Grace Managlus. She can check with BRE on your courses that they have on record.
      Terrible story about your daughter and grand children. Get out there and kick some ass.

  2. Marie Stein-Mosset March 21, 2018 at 9:29 AM #

    Sylvia, I read your message and agree with Duane, 73 is a baby, I’m 76 turning 77 in April and have scheduled my Broker Test for April 3th after taking Minnie Lush’s class. If I don’t pass the first time I’ll do it again until I do. So forget the age and move forward, you may have to kick your own ass to get started, rewards are worth it…..

  3. Dennis Carter March 29, 2018 at 11:40 AM #

    #2 regarding work history

    I worked in the Real estate industry 11-years before being diagnosed with cancer in November 2010. Due to losing blood and weight, I was forced to step back in order to save my life thru surgery. Since then other medical issues arisen. But my direct question to you is, can a waiver be made life or death isuations such as cancer?

    • Duane Gomer April 4, 2018 at 4:21 PM #

      Dennis, if you would give us a little more information, we can check the DRE records; what is the name on the license, and what is your address, and your license number if you have it. If you prefer to email this information to me that would be fine as well. [email protected]

  4. Dennis Carter March 29, 2018 at 11:41 AM #


  5. Donald H. Reimann May 23, 2019 at 1:54 PM #


    I took a few courses with you years ago for license renewal and enjoyed them. I hold a B.S.BA in Institutional Management and an MBA in Management Science from Bryant University in Rhode Island and have worked in San Jose as a “Broker” since 1980, all with the same company, carrying a real estate salespersons license. Now finally, I would like to get a Broker License. What do you suggest as my quickest path?

    • Duane Gomer May 28, 2019 at 11:59 AM #

      Donald, you hold 2 degrees and have the salesperson experience, so you might have courses in the past that will qualify towards the BRE’s requirement of 8 Broker courses. The fastest way to figure out what you have left to do is to have your college transcripts ready and call our office 1-800-439-4909 or email your transcript with your contact information to [email protected] and we will reach out to you. Our specialists can help you figure out which classes qualify and which ones you have left to take before taking our Exam Prep and then passing the Broker Exam.

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