That Old Myth Of More Liability For Broker Associates Is Just That, An Old Myth

E & O insurance companies don’t increase fees for Broker Associates. E & O knows liability better than brokers.

Might Brokers who have a license be using that myth to keep salespersons from becoming brokers?

Might a salesperson use that same myth to rationalize not spending time and money taking the courses?

Perhaps they’re just intimidated about studying for the exams or a little afraid of walking into the full-day state test?

Don’t worry. We can easily get you the course credit plus a great “crash” exam preparation course and you will pass. We so want to encourage you to become a broker that we have a program where you can pay our already low, low costs over a period of months. What are you waiting for?

By the way, in full disclosure, I might have a hidden agenda because if you take Broker courses from me I will make money. That is not hidden, it is right out in the open.


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