When Most People Discuss Getting A Real Estate License, They Think Only About Listing And Selling Houses However, that is not the only reason for having a license. There are about 420,000 California Licensees at this time. There are about 180,000 Realtors. Almost all people who specialize in selling houses belong to this group. There […]
Author Archive | Duane Gomer
Why Should Real Estaters Become Brokers
This Could Be Considered A Rant And Not A Post I believe that if someone is a Real Estate Salesperson, the next logical step for advancement is to become a broker. Yes, I know you think that I have a hidden agenda in recommending that everybody becomes brokers. It is not a hidden agenda. It […]
Person Of The Year
So After Some Thoughts From 2017, Time For The Last One And It Is Important Annually, we normally honor a speaker as Speaker of the Year. For 2017, we wanted to recognize a staff member instead. Not just any staff member, but Christie Olson, our #1, General Manager, Coordinator, Den Mother, Cheerleader, The Rock, Organizer, […]
Someone In A Newspaper Is Saying Nice Things About Reverse Mortgages
Will Miracles Never Cease? I read so many financial planners who badmouth Reverse Mortgages. They cite many reasons, such as excessive cost, less money to leave to heirs, could lose the house if you do not pay taxes and insurance or maintain properly, etc. etc. etc. Obviously, you will have less money to leave to […]
Why Become a Real Estate Salesperson Now?
My Reply: Why Not!! If you ever plan to do something, do not delay. Are There Any Good Reasons For Right Now? Yes, the market is back. To the point where most California Counties’ current prices are about the same as they were before the chaos. People are, again, building equity. Sales are high. In […]
Publication 583; Keeping Records To Please The IRS
We All Should Have Boxes In Our Garage, Attic, Storage, Etc. Marked IRS 2011, 2014, Etc. These hold the documents used to complete our Tax Returns both of IRS and our beloved State. Every year that we put up another year, we look at the older years and try to determine which ones should be shredded. […]
Time To Get A Real Estate Sales Or Broker License Or A Notary Commission Or Become A Mortgage Loan Originator
Sales License: Three Home Study Courses (Practice, Principles, Legal Aspects of RE). Crash / Test Preparation Course (LIVE recommended) and then pass the State Exam at a State Facility. Broker License: Five more Home Study Courses (Economics, Appraisal, Finance and two Electives). Crash / Test Preparation Course (LIVE recommended) and then pass the State Exam […]
I Meet The Nicest People; Jeff Davi Of Monterey, CA
A Few Months Ago DJ And I Were Walking Casually Around Carmel, CA And I Saw A Sign On The Property JEFF DAVI. KELLER WILLIAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES MONTEREY PENINSULA HOME TEAM I told her that he was famous, he had been the 22nd Real Estate Commissioner of the great state of California, and I had […]
Time To Renew Your License For 2018
Real Estate Broker and Salespersons You can take your 45 hours of credit anytime in your 4 year license period, however you cannot send your credits to the BRE until 90 days before expiration. Translation: Start now. We have three programs for you: An Optional LIVE Review; plus, take your tests at review and online. […]
Many Of The Movie Critic Groups Have Started Their Yearly Ratings Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild nominations have been released. You can check all those sites to determine some possible movies for the long Christmas holidays. There Are Three Movies That Are Listed In All Of The Ratings They are: Get Out which is a […]