#1–In Orange County only two teachers were given “pink slips”. Maybe there will be more money for education.
#2–Headline: State Officials Say Tax Revenue Exceeds Forecasts. $633M more the estimated, and they say more money will go to education because of some constituational funding formula. Thinking this over, this is not good news for me. The personal income taxes went up $385M, and Sales Taxes were up $163M. Some of both of those categories was from DJ and Duane. At least it means that Tax Percentages might not go up for next year.
#3–Landlords of which I “are” one: Have not been without a tenant since 1960. Vacancies in apartments are now near 4.8% a drop from 8% in 2009. Yea.
#4–The number of home listed in Los Angeles County went up 9% in February. More sellers around, better for my clients who are loan brokers, home brokers, escrow staff, appraisers, inspectors, notaries, etc.
#5–The Federal Reserve says that all banks have enough capital to absorb a downturn. First such statement since 2009.
The other day some student had a big frown on his face all day. Finally, about 3:00PM I asked him, if he was OK. He said that he was great. I told him to tell his face. So keep smiling and tell your face that life is good because you woke up this morning. Some day that will not happen.
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