In The Past I Have Mentioned Interesting Items From Some Of My Students
I was reading the L.A. Times years ago, and it said that Pete Sampras had listed his unique Lake Sherwood estate for $25 million. I didn’t even need to read the entire article to know who was the listing agent. It was Jordan Cohen of Re/Max Olson.
Many People May Know Jordan For Having Listed And Sold Homes Of Owners Like Kobe, Shaq, Sylvester Stallone, Etc.
I know Jordan as the son of the Re/Max Olson Cohen’s (good people) and as a quarterback/cornerback on a Pop Warner All Star Championship Football Team that I coached many years ago. Jordan played well then and is eminently successful now. Great to see professional young men succeed. I knew it all the time, Jordan.
I Even Remember His Brokers:
Todd Olson, the son of my first real estate boss and a Chatsworth High School linebacker, and Keith Myers, a Kennedy High School quarterback and Little League All Star shortstop and friend of my daughter, Debbie. Where does time go?
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