In Addition To Passing A Half-Day Exam Of 150 Multiple-Choice Questions With A Grade Of At Least 70%
You must meet these requirements as listed in the Department of Real Estate’s “Instruction for Applicants”
- You must be 18 years of age or older; there is no level of education required
- You do not need to live in California.
- Honesty: You must be honest and truthful. Conviction of a crime or failing to disclose any convictions could result in denial of a license.
- You must complete three college-levels; Two courses are required, Real Estate Principles and Real Estate Practice. The third course can be from a long list of possibilities such as Business Law, Accounting, Economics, Real Estate Finance, etc., but most companies recommend that you complete Legal Aspects of Real Estate. We believe that more questions on the exam are answered in this course than any other.
Only four little things, and you could be selling houses, perhaps your own if you were thinking that way.
Members of the State Bar are exempt from this requirement. Any classes taken years ago in college will satisfy this requirement. Continuing Education courses do not qualify. You will have to prove your completion of classes by transcripts from the past. There used to be a requirement that you had to show “legal presence in the United States”, but that was removed some years ago.
Approximately 50% pass the exam each time it is given. You can take it as many times as you want, but you have to pay the testing fees each time. You should take what most companies call a Crash Course. This will enhance your chances of passing greatly, but it is not required.
Strong Recommendation:
Call 800-439-4909 or go to There are so many nuances on selecting companies and courses that you should call our real LIVE customer service personnel. They can help and give you prices and direction. Also, they are adept at looking at your college transcripts and giving you an opinion on whether any course qualifies for the requirements.
Second Strong Recommendation:
Our company is known and respected for our LIVE ONE DAY CRASH COURSE. Many other Course Sponsors send their students to us. Students do better on the exam after LIVE instruction. Perhaps a few dollars more because of the cost of instructors and meeting rooms, but match that against the cost of retaking the exam, your time to restudy for the exam, and time off from work to take the exam plus the stress of going back for a second time.
Someone told me if you are 70 or older, you don’t need to take the exam. Seems hard to believe. Can you set me straight on this please
The 70/30 exemption is for Real Estate Continued Education only. If you are 70 years of age or older, and had you license for a consecutive 30 years, you are exempt from taking the continued education required by the Department of Real Estate every 4 years. If you have any additional questions please email [email protected].
Agreed, but my experience has found we have quite a few octogenarians out there who should no longer be active brokers…I wish they would reinstate the CE requirements for everyone to weed out those that are no longer able to pass CE course exams!
I agree. Anyone old enough for Social Security should be required to take 45 hours a year. They can’t even find their car keys. Of course, I’m biased as this means more courses.